Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16, 2014
Dear friends,

Thank you for your support! I’m glad that you have decided to continue to learn about my time in France. This post is before my return to France but I want to express my thoughts on it all before I head out. I am also hoping this helps you understand me better and the journey that I am on.

I love to travel. I love seeing the world. But more than all that, I have a deep yearning in my heart to be with God. When I was in France this past April I was exposed to the wonder that is travel by train. I was able to take a train to Paris, and a few other cities around France. On most of these journeys I was able to sit quietly and gaze out of the windows. There is something so magical to me about watching rolling hills fly by and seeing the sky change colors at a rapid pace. There is a peace to witnessing everyday people go about their everyday lives for a split second at a time. For whatever reason, in those moments is when I feel closest to God. I feel His presence as if He is sitting next to me. In that time I feel such clarity over everything; as if I know all that God has planned for me. In one of those moments in particular, I knew how traveling fit into it all. I understood why making friends and fostering relationships is important to our faith and a valuable factor to our relationship with God, or at least how all of that works for me.

I was feeling skeptical about returning to France knowing that I will be fully immersing myself in a ministry centered on relationships. I was fearful of the idea of creating relationships with people so different from me in a place I was new to. But God spoke to me so clearly on a train while leaving France in May. I felt warmth in my heart and a fierce desire to return to France and jump straight into living in relationship with God and others.

I am praying that my time in France will bring me closer to God and bring me experiences that I could not have achieved anywhere else. I know that through God I can build solid friendships with the people I encounter. I greatly appreciate you partnering with me in my prayers.

In addition to partnering with me in prayer, I am still in need of vital funds to make this trip possible. I am in hopes of raising $20,000. This money will aid in transportation to France and inside the country, as rent for a room, tuition to a language school, and other expected expenses. If you are able and willing to continue to partner with me financially please go to Scroll down to the GIVE button.  In the drop down box click mission trip support, and write Shelby Hurst in the comments box.

Until next time,


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