Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Friday English Class

13 December, 2014 
I am sorry that its been awhile since I have updated! I am not usually one to put anything online or even journal. So a combined online journal of sorts is very far out of my realm. But I am trying very hard! Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience. Also I want to clear something up, the name of my blog is not a reference to me being hopeless. Because that is the exact opposite of what I am in Jesus Christ. It is actually the name of my favorite song “Hopeless Wanderer” by Mumford and Sons. I chose it to be the name of my blog more in reference to my heart’s desire to travel and wander. I am hopelessly devoted to wandering, if you will….  Just a quick clarification! On to the actual blog!

20141107_154647.jpg One of my favorite things I get to do here in France is co-lead an English class for children. If you received my newsletter there is some more background information for you about the class and why us being there is so special **. But I specifically love it because I love kids. And I really like just being in the presence of children. Its also great because they love me too, and I really like that.

My ministry partner Linda and I have the privilege of teaching an hour long class to children six and up, and then a half hour long class for children 2-5. We have been trying to go through basic things, like the days of the week, different animal names and simple sentences. The learning abilities in our group vary, by a lot; we have some very hyper active children and some who are more subdued. But its a really wonderful group!

20141114_160643.jpg These are two brothers in our class, Yacine and Jabril. I tried to get a good picture with them but they would not stand still. Yet they were insistent that their picture got taken. They are easily one of the highlights of my week. Linda and I are praying that a relationship blooms between us and their family. I would love for their family to view us as more than English teachers, but as friends that they desire to know. I’m praying that God opens that door soon.

Every time I am at my class it breaks my heart that I cannot just say what I want to to these kids. Especially to Jabril (In the blue shirt). There is something about that boy that makes my heart ache. I am so desperate to know him! So, I either need to become a better English teacher, or I need to work harder and continue to pray for the development of my French. In my opinion, becoming better at French seems like the more realistic solution.

It is such a blessing to me that I get to continue to be with children, even on the other side of my world. God knows my heart and He is providing for me in ways that I need. I am so overjoyed with my Lord.

** Above I mentioned my newsletter. If you did not receive one but would like one, send me your email address. I will get one to you soon!

Thank you for reading! And thank you so, so much for your prayers, your time, and your support!

God Bless,

Shelby Hurst

p.s. I am still in need of funds to fully support my time in France. If you would like to donate please go to Scroll down to the GIVE button.  In the drop down box click mission trip support, and write Shelby Hurst in the comments box.